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is this dead?

yes, if you check development log you can see "Final ending" meaning the game is finished


it says it has virus i dont know whether to download or not

Bro most of them do are you new to itch

MOst of them aren't viruses 

Deleted 161 days ago

Its been a while i know the original version did but when i remade it i think there is a few suggestive comments but thats about it


is this vr?


(1 edit) (+1)

hey im a really big fan of your games specially the fnaf ones and can i ask...When will this game be released for android?...Just can't wait to play it..hope you see my comment..and btw LOVE YOUR GAMES please keep on doing these games i love them Specially with the story's πŸ˜πŸ’―πŸ‘ŒπŸ”₯

Sorry for the very late reply but once I figure out how to I may release it on android

Use JoiPlay

how do I play the game.


make sure you download the right thing. default download on app is just the end being told by a... pokemon?

So on the mac build on day 2 after the glass shattering, it says in the top right "image 'morning' not found."  I am guessing something didn't port correctly?

Its less of a porting error than it is a file name that was non existent the file is there but the name is slightly different

Am i allowed to like robots.....


I dont see why not 

Can you make it for Android?


whenever I figure out how to 

keeeeeeep it and add more to it I love it so much.

Well thats good to hear good news the reboot/revamped/sequel version of the game is done I just need to do a few things before I release it.

ok I can’t want to see and play it I love games


I dont know how to export a mobile version so as of now it's only for pc 



Hey, if you need any help with the grammar of the game just let me know, I can help you but it won't be the best but will be better! You can contact me on my Discord: SpringBonnie#1983

i downloaded both mac and windows zip files and cant run the game unlass it is actualy only the end in witch case its fin

yeah the mac file is the normal game the window file is the end summary of the game but I will see what i can do to fix this.

i found a way to play on windows

cool i also added the windows version a bit earlier

how i coudnt get it to work

i downloaded both mac and windows so i just put the windows stuff together with the mac stuff and it just worked for me then

makes sence thank u so much

bro The two say Windows

yeah they are windows downloads I don't have other files for the game if you wanted to play on mobile or something like that sorry.

oh Not that is that i accidentally downloaded the MacOS Ver

oh that may be on me the mac download is the actual game while the pc is the end they are two seperate things.